Become a Member

Membership Rates for 2025

As of January 1, 2025, our membership rates are as follows:

Level As of
Professional membership:   160
Associate membership:  110
New professional membership:  60
Student membership:  50
 If you are interested or qualify for categories of Retired, Life and Sustaining members, please contact RCC Executive Director Ginny Hizer

Rolling Memberships

For most of our recorded history, memberships followed the calendar year, expiring on December 31 no matter when you joined.

Beginning October 1, 2024, we are converting to a rolling membership system. From that point forward, your membership will continue one year from the date you enrolled or renewed. After that it will renew automatically.

The New Professional membership will convert to a Professional Membership after 1 year if not renewed before expiration. Likewise, the Student membership will convert to a New Professional membership if not renewed before expiration.

Colleague Referral Program

When you enroll or renew, you can now request a Colleague Referral Promo Code. You can give this to a colleague, and they will get a $25 discount if they pay online within 7 days.  Note that this colleague can be any person, inside or outside your organization, who would qualify for a membership.

To get your Colleague Referral Promo Code, enroll or renew your membership, then email and request it.

Each colleague is eligible to request a promo code as well, and in this way you can help a friend or even string together everyone in your organization to enroll/renew at reduced rates.

If you would like to enroll/renew multiple people on their behalf and at the same time, you can skip the line of codes. Contact us for one promo code to cover the whole lot.


Why RCC?

As a religion communicator, you know the many unique challenges facing not only religious communities but our profession as well. It is easy to feel that you have to carry out your work alone. Membership in the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) can provide you with the regular support, encouragement, and fellowship to sustain you in your vocational calling.

Benefits of annual membership in RCC include:

  • Annual convention for professional development and networking
  • Annual awards competition to honor your work
  • Ability to seek an Accreditation in Public Relations
  • Start a personal or business savings or checking account with Interfaith Federal Credit Union
  • Regular email updates
  • Access to job openings
  • Free/discounted webinars and continuing education opportunities

If you haven’t already, you can learn more about who we are and hear from current RCC members about why RCC is important to them.

The short version? We are professional communicators working in many different jobs, for different types of organizations, for different faith groups who find RCC to be a place where we can develop professionally, network, fellowship and enrich our personal and professional lives through the organization. We have a place for you here.


Become a Member

New members can join and submit payment using our online form. You also have the option to download the new member form and mail it in with payment.

Renew Membership

RCC members must renew their membership on a yearly basis (membership follows the calendar year). Members can renew and submit payment using our online membership renewal form. You also have the option to download the membership renewal form and mail it in with payment.

Membership Categories

Professional Member

A Professional Member is one who spends a major portion of time in professional public relations or communication work to any religious communion, organization or related agency duly accredited by the Board of Governors.

Associate Member

An Associate Member is one who spends less than half-time in religious public relations or communication work. Associate members have access to all rights and privileges of Professional membership.

New Professional Member

A New Professional Member is f. New Professional members have access to all rights and privileges of Professional membership.

Student Member

A Student Member is one who is enrolled in college or university with a journalism, communication or public relations major or minor or one who is enrolled in seminary. Student members have access to all benefits of Professional membership but do not have voting privileges.

Retired Member

A Retired Member is Professional member in good standing who, at the time of their retirement, wishes to continue their membership in the Council. All rights and privileges of Professional membership are continued in this category. Retired members pay no annual national dues to RCC. 

Life Member

A Life Member is a Professional member who after reaching retirement age, having been an RCC member for ten years, and having made significant contributions, upon nomination by a local chapter or the Board of Governors, may be selected to Life membership by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Governors. All rights and privileges of Professional membership are continued for Life members. Life members pay no annual national dues to RCC.

Sustaining Member

A Sustaining Member is a Professional member in good standing who makes a $1,500 contribution to RCC to become a lifetime Sustaining member. All rights and privileges of Professional membership are continued in this category. Sustaining members pay no annual dues to RCC.