Local Chapters
Members of the Religion Communicators Council can join one of our local chapters located throughout the United States.
Our local chapters offer opportunities to network with communication professionals in your area, professional development sessions, and more. Please contact a chapter president or one of the chapter officers listed below for more information about their chapter meetings.
Nashville, Tennessee
Chapter Officers
President: Rev. Brian Fesler, Senior Pastor, Church of Scientology, Nashville, Tennessee
Vice President for Programming: Aisha Lbhalla, Founder, Muslim Women’s Council, Nashville, Tennessee
Treasurer: Royya James, Conference Relations Coordinator, United Methodist Communications, Nashville, Tennessee
Communications Secretary: Julie Brinker, Director of Community Relations, Church of Scientology, Nashville, Tennessee
New York, New York
Chapter Officers
President: Nancy Jubb, Communications, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Past President: Jonathan Ammons, APR, Associate Director, Office of Public and International Affairs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, New York, New York
Washington, D.C.
Chapter Officers
President: Cherilyn Crowe Guy, Content Strategy Director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, Washington, D.C.
Vice President for Membership: Jackie Fuller, host of Interfaith Connections
Treasurer: Bill Aiken, Director of Public Affairs, Soka Gakkai International – USA, Washington, DC