Professional Development
Upcoming educational programs
Below are listed future educational programs hosted by RCC; be certain to also check out the chapter pages for additional in-person and educational sessions.
APR Accreditation
Visit our APR Accreditation page to learn more about this voluntary designation and accreditation program available to RCC members from the Universal Accreditation Board.
Personal Learning Resources
Looking to build new knowledge, skills, and abilities? Or want to refresh ones you haven’t used in awhile? Below are several trusted resources to help you grow — personally and professionally.
From courses to degrees, Coursera offers 100% online learning from the world’s best universities and companies on a wide variety of topics. Many individual courses are free. Consider the offerings in their Marketing, Leadership and Management, and Personal Development libraries.
LinkedIn Learning
Learn business, creative, and technology skills online from industry experts. An on-demand video learning library with more than 14,000 courses, LinkedIn Learning is available as part of a premium subscription. A free one-month trial is available.
Google Analytics Academy
Does your organization use Google Analytics? Google Analytics Academy guides you through a free online program to improve your data collection and analysis skills with this measurement tool. Complete their online program and you can earn your Google Analytics Certification for free as well.
Past Professional Development Webinars
Past Recorded Webinars and Convention Presentations
Shared below are our most recent educational development webinars; click here to go to our YouTube channel, with videos of past webinars, convention presentations and Wilbur awards
Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. ET
How and Why to Enter and Win the DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards: A Discussion with Top Entrants
Click here for the YouTube recording.
Three past award recipients discussed the “how and why” of entering the DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial awards, which are presented annually to active members of the Religion Communicators Council who
demonstrate excellence in religious communications and public relations. During a casual conversation, they shared tips and insights about the process and benefits of entering.
The awards are named to honor the late Victor DeRose and the late Paul M. Hinkhouse, leading lithographers in New York City, and longtime friends of the RCC. Both men shared a strong interest in, and concern for, excellence in communications. For more details about the DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards, including categories, deadlines and entry form, click here.
DHMA Coordinator Rev. Brian Fesler (left below)
RCC BoG Member Brad Pomerance, Host & Vice President of Programming, Jewish Life Television (center)
RCC BoG Member Kathy Williams, Director of Communications and Public Relations, Ursuline Sisters of Louisville (right)

Tuesday, December 17
“10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Online Reputation Next Week”
View the video recording here.
Josh Greene is the CEO for The Mather Group, a digital agency that solves marketing challenges for companies of all sizes. With over twenty years of experience creating and implementing digital strategies, Greene empowers top brands and individuals to shape their online presence to support their bottom line. He has worked with some of the largest Fortune 1000 companies, five of the largest nonprofits in the U.S., popular media channels, the third largest network provider in the U.S., two of the largest manufacturing companies in the U.S., and many software companies. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and industry events, including the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the AAF,SES, and PR Summit.
Before The Mather Group, Greene managed online and DRTV programs for industry leaders such as Discovery Channel, Time Warner Cable, 1-800-PACK-RAT, and Zippy Shell.
Wednesday, November 20 –
Findings from Promising Revelations: Undoing the False Impressions of America’s Faithful
Is America still religious? How deeply are our faith communities driven by politics? In an era of deepening polarization, can religious Americans help us transcend politicized narratives and unite around shared values?
The answers may surprise you. They may even challenge and inspire you to rethink faith in America — and the role that faith communities can play in bringing us together as a country.
From More in Common, Coco Xu, research associate, and Julia Coffin, senior associate, shared an in-depth look at the assumptions and realities of America’s faithful. Starting with the three big myths related to faith (faith is driven by politics, faith is becoming irrelevant and religious people are intolerant), Xu and Coffin provided data revealing the actual truths.
Click here to view on the RCC YouTube channel.