For many RCC members, the hardest aspect of entering the DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards may just be determining what projects to enter into which categories – there are so many options for your good work to be recognized!
Regardless of whether you’re entering a single work or series, if you are a member of the RCC and played a key role in the creative process (writing, designing, producing, etc.) of communication material completed in 2024, you are eligible – and encouraged – to submit for a DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Award.
(If you are not yet a RCC member, you may find our application here. New members will receive a coupon code to save $25 on their first awards submission.)
There’s a helpful chart of classes and categories, as well as a brief video, posted here: Classes and Categories – Religion Communicators Council. Tips from past winners, rules and criteria and suggestions on what to submit are also available. Deadline for entries is January 31, 2025.