Several changes to RCC membership will become effective as of January 1, 2025. However, the same great member resources and benefits remain, including networking with other faith-based communications professionals, monthly educational programming, our annual convention and more!
First, we’ll now have a rolling membership date, instead of by calendar year.
For most of our recorded history, memberships followed the calendar year, expiring on December 31 no matter when you joined. Beginning October 1, 2024, we are converting to a rolling membership system. From that point forward, your membership will continue one year from the date you enrolled or renewed. After that it will renew automatically.
Current members who like the calendar-year system can keep this by renewing in December 2024. If you don’t renew before January 1, 2025, your membership will be converted to the new rolling membership.
Note also that, beginning January 1, 2025, there will be a small increase in membership rates. This applies to all rolling membership levels and all current calendar-year members. (Pro tip: save funds by renewing before the increase!)
According to Teresa Faust, president of RCC’s Board, “It has been several years since we’ve had to increase our membership fees. The Board of Governors researched similar associations and RCC was much lower than the average. We believe that even with these small increases, we are able to continue providing an excellent value for our members.”
The final change is to our multi-member discount offering. In the past, we have offered discounts when additional members of an organization joined or renewed. The board decided to modify this program, and we think you will like it.
When you enroll or renew, you can now request a Colleague Referral Promo Code. You can give this to a colleague, and they will get a $25 discount if they pay online within 7 days. Note that this colleague can be any person, inside or outside your organization, who would qualify for a membership. Simply enroll or renew your membership, then email and request the promo code.
These membership changes are explained in greater detail here: or email Ginny Hizer, RCC executive director, if you have questions or need assistance.